Product Description
Questions and Answers
If you have questions about our black magick spells service, please see the FAQ section of the site for answers . If you are looking for black magick love spells, then please visit the following page of the site : Black Magick Love Spells
CUSTOM BLACK MAGICK SPELL WORK IS OFFERED, so if there is some black magick spell work you want done but it is not listed here, enquire for suggestions and a quote.
Menu of Black Magick Spells
MAGNET – A Black Magick Spell for Financial Gains
This black magick spell is designed to magnetize your luck and good fortune where your financial situation is concerned. Obviously, money cannot just land in your lap though – you must be engaged in some sort of activity where you are likely to gain any in the first place. So for this black magick spell to work, you will need , for example, to be in work and seeking a pay rise, or to be working at your own business and wanting it to do better, or you might play the lottery or gamble, or you may have some sort of investment you want to maximize and so on. Basically, this black magick spell works if and when there is something you already do or are involved with, but want a bigger return on.
This black magick spell is cast once a day for 5 days in a row.
PRICE : £125
BOOMERANG – A Black Magick Spell to Destroy Other Magick
If you are pretty sure, or know for certain, that there is some other spell caster out there performing work on your person of interest, this black magick spell service will ensure that their magick on that person is rendered ineffective. This black magick spell will undo all magick done previously, and protect from future magickal activity. Boomerang is designed to create a protective “force field ” around the person, so that any other magick besides Victoria’s (or anyone else you name) bounces right off this shield , never reaching it’s target and therefore never achieving it’s aims.
This black magick spell can also be used ON YOURSELF – if you are concerned, or know for sure, that some other spell caster is doing magick that is aiming itself at YOU , this black magick spell will protect you. It will ensure that no other magick effects you, besides magick done by Victoria, or any other spell caster you trust and work with.
This special black magick service involves 7 consecutive nights of triple cast spell casts along with daily rituals.
PRICE : £325
FIRE & ICE – A Black Magick Spell to Un-Jinx and Protect
If you find yourself in a situation where little or nothing seems to be going your way, and that obstacles and challenges and blockages seem to keep preventing you from moving forward in the way you want to, then it is possible that there are jinxed/crossed conditions in your life. This black magick spell can help.
In more extreme cases, someone’s entire life may seem to be going down the pan, with one setback or disaster after another , and “bad luck” at nearly ever turn. In this kind of more severe case, a curse might be involved. Again, this black magick spell will assist in fixing the problem.
In either instance, your feelings about being jinxed (or, more seriously – cursed), might be down to your own intution OR you know for sure this is the case as certain information that has come to light for you makes this clear to you.
The FIRE AND ICE black magick spell service is a special combination of jinx-killer or curse-removal work, combined with seriously intense black magick protection magick. We will discuss your case beforehand to determine if your situation is a case of being jinxed /crossed in some way, OR if it is a curse that is upon you.
In either case, this black magick spell service will involve 3 nights of triple-castings for the anti- jinx or de-cursing work, followed by 3 nights of triple-cast black magick spell castings for protection (18 CASTINGS IN TOTAL). In addition, Victoria will make a special doll for you, which will be spell-cast and annointed then buried in earth in her garden. The doll protects you and wards off jinxes, curses, blockages, etc.
PRICE : £325
PHOENIX – A Black Magick Spell to Super Charge You and Your Life
PHOENIX is a multi-tiered service of black magick spell work to enhance your life in various ways. This black magick spell will work on various levels to boost your self – image, self -confidence, self -belief, motivation, inspiration , self -love and overall self -esteem. The Phoenix black magick spell service is designed to attract a huge influx of positive energy into your life, helping to improve and enhance the way your mind works, how you think, how you deal with life and other people and so on. In essence, this black magick spell work can be seen as a “life-lift” , as it targets all the important things that determine if your experience of yourself and your life is a good as it actually can be. This black magick spell encourages transformation on many levels; like the Phoenix, you will rise out of the ashes which are the old you , transformed into something more brilliant than ever before.
This black magick spell service involves various rituals done prior to numerous different kinds of spell castings whose aims, together, target all the issues mentioned. It is one of the most comprehensive and extensive black magick spell services offered, as it spreads itself across 5 consecutive days, with 15 lots of castings taking place each day ( a total of 75 black magick spell castings).
PRICE : £450